Friday, March 25, 2011

Did I mention I'm moving?

Across the country? In three days?

Yeah. I've been packing (kinda) and sorting (a little) and we took a bunch of stuff to the Salvation Army yesterday. I need to pack up a box of Bug's toys and my crafty stuff to mail down.  To Tennessee. Where I'm moving.

My husband, my son, myself and one of my cats are flying down on Monday.  The Bug and I will get settled and a few days later, my husband will fly back to Spokane to finish his last quarter of school.  Then in about 8 weeks, we'll fly back to Spokane for his graduation/senior project, pack up the rest of our things and drive down to Tennessee for good.

I've had this move in the back of my mind for a while now.  It's starting to make me a little nervous now that it's three days away.  I'll be fine flying down. I'll be fine the week while my husband is there with us.  The first few days without him will be a challenge though. We haven't spent a night apart in two years.  But I'll have my son to take care of and entertain. And my awesome mother-in-law will be there to hang out with.  And I'll have a house to rearrange as my own. And time to do my crafty things.

I'll keep you posted.