Monday, January 24, 2011

Not Exactly a New Year's Resolution

Woohoo! Obligatory first post!

Alright, now that I've covered that part...

I meant to start a blog about being a new, first time mommy right after my son was born.  Yeah...that didn't happen.  Now I've decided to start a blog to document my progress on my new diet and maybe to toss in a few craft ideas or projects as I go.

Confession: I am a craft junkie. There should be a 12 step program for people like me. I'm surprised I'm not part owner of the Michael's craft store empire by now.  I have a tendency to see something in a store or a magazine and think "I could totally make that."  I don't really have a favorite medium.  I like to crochet, paint, make geeky video game icons with perler beads and bake.

So now comes the "resolution" part.  From high school til after I left college I was able to maintain a weight of about 150 lbs.  After that I managed to put on about 70 lbs in a little less than a year.  I think this happened because I wasn't walking all over a campus everyday and because I actually had time to eat regular meals (and snacks) that weren't so good for me. Plus, it's easy to eat a lot of fast food and other things that aren't so good for you when you're around friends who do the same.  (Not that I'm putting blame on anyone else, mind you.)  Then I found out I was pregnant. I actually did pretty well with pregnancy weight gain. In the first trimester my morning sickness was so awful that I actually lost 15 lbs.  In  my second trimester I gained that back plus another 30lbs.  It's been 18 months since my son was born and I weight 5lbs more than I did at full term pregnancy. *facepalm*

I admit it, I'm not an active person.  I hate running. If I'm going to exercise it has to be something fun in order to keep my interest. A few weeks after I had given birth I decided to try Zumba at home.  I had tried it in college and really enjoyed it. (I took a lot of dance classes then.)  I put in the 20 minute workout DVD and make through 8 minutes.  I never attempted it again after that.

So now here I am.  28 years old. 250 lbs. Size 20/22 pants.  The largest I've ever been in my life.  *sigh* I'm tired of looking in the mirror and trying to adjust my outfit to look slimmer.  I hate shopping because I have a hard time finding things that fit.  And the sad part is that I felt exactly this way when I weighed 150 lbs.  It took me an extra 100 lbs to realize that I was skinny then. Body image can really be a bitch.

Today is day one of my new diet program.  I found out about Advocare through a friend (who has had amazing results!).  My husband and I decided it was worth a shot.  I went to bed last night excited and pretty anxious about this morning's new routine.  I hate getting up early, but I wanted to help get my husband ready before school.  We start our 10 day cleanse today.

I got up, took my Spark energy drink and my Catalyst pills.  Within minutes I felt energized and ready to go.  Though I'm not sure if it was really the product or just my excitement over the whole thing. 30 minutes later I took my fiber drink.  I'm not gonna lie, it was not very tasty.  Kind of like a peach flavored blended cardboard drink.  It was a little gritty and kind of slimy going down.  But it was only 8 oz and I only have to do it once a day for a little while.  And if it helps me shed some of this weight than I think it's worth it. Post fiber drink was my breakfast meal replacement shake.  I had a chocolate one this morning.  They're definitely better than the Slim Fast shakes, I'll give you that.  Not the best tasting thing on the planet, but palatable.

And that's my day so far.  Granted it's only 8 in the morning and I have a lot of day left.  But I'll let you know how it went.

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